Mikko Pellinen is Former Vice President & General Manager-Flexibles Business at Suominen Oyj. View Mikko Pellinen’s professional profile on Relationship Science, the database of decision makers.
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For further information, please contact: Ulrika Lilja EVP, Communications tel. +46 72 221 9228. Investor enquiries: Ulla Paajanen SVP, Investor Relations tel. +358 40 763 8767 STORA ENSO OYJ MANAGERS' TRANSACTIONS 3 March 2021 at 9.00 EET On 1 March 2021, Stora Enso's Group Leadership Team members received shares under Stora Enso's Long-Term Incentive plan. The | April 6, 2021 Stora Enso: Managers' transactions – Jari Suominen Wed, Mar 03, 2021 08:00 CET. STORA ENSO OYJ MANAGERS’ TRANSACTIONS 3 March 2021 at 9.00 EET .
Roche purchases shares in tender offer for Spark Therapeutics, Inc. 18 Dec 2019 Investor inquiries: FCA. Groupe PSA. Joe Veltri, +1 248 576 9257 investor. relations@fcagroup.com. Andrea Bandinelli, + 33 6 82 58 86 04. 20 Dec 2019 Tel. +49 7031 49195-10 pr@curetis.com or ir@curetis.com · www.curetis.com - www.unyvero.com. International Media & Investor Inquiries. 12 Dec 2019 The notification established can be consulted on the website of Befimmo. (https:// www.befimmo.be/en/investors/transparency-declarations).
the Company's website: www.bgholdingltd.com (Investor Relations > Financial announcements). B. BGIM'S AUM. As of 3 February 2020, BG Fund assets under
Stora Enso: Managers' transactions – Jari Suominen Tue, Mar 03, 2020 09:00 CET. STORA ENSO OYJ MANAGERS’ TRANSACTIONS 3 March 2020 at 10.00 EET . On 2 March 2020, Stora Enso’s Group Leadership Team members received shares under Stora Enso’s Long-Term Incentive (LTI) plan.
7 Feb 2020 corporations, investors and the public sector in Finland's growth centres. Public Sector business area's net sales grew as planned in relation
Why choose Suominen? Being a good employer is a strategic priority for Suominen.
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I am very excited to take on this new role and develop our forest operations into the future together with a very skilful team,” says Jari Suominen. For further information, please contact: Ulrika Lilja EVP, Communications tel. +46 72 221 9228. Investor enquiries: Ulla Paajanen SVP, Investor Relations tel.
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Jean-Marie Becker. Executive Vice President-Consumer Packaging at Walki Group Oy. Relationship likelihood: Strong.
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Wärtsilä Oyj Abp:s bolagsstämma sammanträder minst en gång per år. Det yttersta målet för vår IR-verksamhet är att producera exakt, tillräcklig och aktuell Ari Suominen Director, Technology, Industrial Operations. Börje Fågelklo Director Ulla Paajanen-Sainio, SVP, Investor Relations, tel. +358 40 763 8767.
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Why choose Suominen? Being a good employer is a strategic priority for Suominen. This means creating positive energy in the workplace, having committed staff, everyone doing as they promise, and providing a fair environment in which everyone is treated equally and fairly.
Paul-Erik Toivo is Former Vice President & General Manager-Wiping Business at Suominen Oyj. View Paul-Erik Toivo’s professional profile on Relationship Science, the database of decision makers. Vice President-Corporate Communications & Investor Relations at Suominen Oyj. Relationship likelihood: Strong. Jean-Marie Becker. Executive Vice President-Consumer Packaging at Walki Group Oy. Relationship likelihood: Strong.
eQ:lla on lisäksi vahvasti sitoutunut henkilöstö. Henkilöstön omistusosuus on eQ Oyj:stä noin 40 % ja henkilöstön työtyytyväisyys on tutkimusten mukaan erinomaisella tasolla. Osaava ja sitoutunut henkilöstö on avain hyvään asiakaspalveluun, sijoitustoimintaan ja neuvontaan.
Suominen’s main focus is on wipes. Anu Heinonen is Former Vice President-Corporate Communications & Investor Relations at Suominen Oyj. View Anu Heinonen’s professional profile on Relationship Science, the database of decision makers. Why choose Suominen? Being a good employer is a strategic priority for Suominen. This means creating positive energy in the workplace, having committed staff, everyone doing as they promise, and providing a fair environment in which everyone is treated equally and fairly.
Ett annat viktigt råd till IR-avdelningarna 2021-04-12 16:25:11 Other information, CORRECTION: AUGA group, AB will organise an Investor Conference Webinar dedicated to retail investors. Styrelsen för Fiskars Oyj Abp har utsett diplomingenjör Jaana Hon är också styrelseledamot i styrelserna för Finnair Abp och Suominen Oyj. IR calendar · Investor relations 8.45 KALLELSE TILL BOLAGSSTÄMMA Aktieägarna i Fiskars Oyj Abp kallas till ordinarie Styrelsen kan besluta om att överlåta aktier i annan än den relation som aktieägaren har koncernchef för Oy Karl Fazer Ab och diplomingenjör, ekonom Jukka Suominen som nya medlemmar. och Suominen Oyj samt direkta investeringar i de onoterade Ahlstrom Abp och Munksjö Oyj offentliggjorde ett sam- gående av porate & Investment Banking Fin- ”Betydelsefull” ställs i relation till den ursprungliga. 22 BÖRSNOTERADE FÖRETAG Suominen Oyj SUOMINEN PUBLICERADE SIN 2015 Laura Lindholm, Investor Relations Manager 1 2 3 4 Munksjö i korthet.